Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Habitually Sick

What to know something strange? I fell sick today with no indication during the past few days I’m not feeling well. I managed to drag myself off the bed and got the girls ready for preschool. Ariel, always the peaceful contented one, seemed to have picked up my weak vibes and was teary and clingy. Jeslyn and Janesa was somehow incredibly quick with their dressing and packing. Sometimes, it’s good to have children, because when no one else know you are not feeling well, they will be first one to ask you “what’s wrong, mommy?” and shower you with hugs and kisses.

Secretly glad that I fell sick on the day the girls go to preschool (they only go twice a week), i was eager to get them out of the door so I can have a good rest. This year been really tough for the family. One after another, we seemed to pass around the “flu bug” like a game of Hot Potatoes. Counting this, I’ve been ill for the 6th time this year. Not being one that is superstitious, but my mother did mentioned once that my husband and I have really bad vibrations this year. This is according to a soothsayer in Singapore I have never seen or heard of. But I guess with life, one must take everything with a pinch of salt.

Upon my suggestive persuasion, my husband self-volunteered to drop Ariel off at his mother’s shop so I can have the day to rest before the Little Nuts come home. (Little Nuts was coined by Janesa, I’m still not sure why as her stories keep changing.) Despite the free rein to sleep and laze away for 4 hours straight, I was more worried about the floor being not vacuumed, the beds not made and the laundry not done etc. So I did all that until I managed to free some time for Oprah. Tom Cruise was on today, so I guess housework can wait...

My husband brought the kids back from the in-laws around dinner time. I’m a terrible cook. I know taste is subjective but I guess if I’m always the one who is asked to bring the drinks to potluck parties, I can base it as a fact and not an opinion. But I’m trying. My husband loves food. Not just regular food. But great exceptional cuisine. I do feel sorry for him sometimes when he would rather go out to dine than taste another one of my “trial” preparation. I can almost hear his head scream,” What the hell is that!?!?!” when he bravely opened one of the pots on the stove. Being too sick to feel annoyed and defensive, I told him that I didn’t cook any rice as I didn’t plan for him to come home for dinner. He nodded, out of relief and muttered that he’ll get some food outside later.

I brought Ariel up to bed. Our marriage has been anything but great lately and I’m glad he made the effort to come home early today. I guess that’s what family are for....

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