Monday, August 18, 2008

Sugar Blush

I think it’s great to be a grandparent. After so many years of not allowing themselves to spoil their own children, now that the children are parents themselves, it’s perfectly okay to spoil the children of their children. Who blames a grandparent when the child acts spoilt anyway? Save the blame for the parents, parents like me who try to quietly remind our parents and parents-in-law that no, it’s not okay for the children to eat too much ice cream.

I think as a parent, I cannot let my children go wild and eat only sweets. At some point, I must have some control. And further, it seems like I'd be doing them a great disservice in the long run if i do not implement proper eating habits. I did raise it to my husband but he is such a wet blanket. He pretends to ignore the issue and worse, he sometimes even do the exact opposite of what I planned! I can’t recall how many times I cringe when he declares “let’s go to the supermarket to get some food!” to the girls. Because i know the “food” he is getting is not the usual daily staples, it’s potato chips and coke and lollies. Talk about annoying!

At the moment, I’m having such a tough time trying to get proper food into my girls’ mouths. They seem to have developed an aversion to rice and noodles and meat and basically everything that means a proper meal. I have no idea why they are suddenly so picky with what they eat. When the twins were 2 years old, they are such ferocious eaters! And they like meat! Now, it’s “Mommy, can i have some sweet water instead?”

I wished someone has told me that once you introduce children to the world of the chocolate and gum drops, it’s sayonara to plain water and hello! to coca cola. I know it’s seemed like making a mountain out of a mole hill, but I’m starting to get really frustrated when i see my 1 year old drinking coke from a can given by an adult that should know better. Though I’m desperate, i am not planning to go as far as to ban the children from the grandparents. I don’t mind the spoiling since i don’t see them everyday and separation will only cause emotional damage to my daughters who love their grandparents very much. Grandparents may spoil them by all means but within limits with respect as to what we as parents will allow.

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