Thursday, August 14, 2008

No Fun Being Sick

Ariel was the first to have fallen from my “hot potato” bug. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, do read my previous post below.

Gosh, it’s terrible when a baby gets sick! The first time i realised she was not feeling that well was when she practically threw up all over the car seat. Threw up was a poor description of the impact of her eruption. It was more of a gigantic spew! I have to pull over in the middle of the freeway, drag the poor screaming infant out of her soggy seat, asking her to stop flailing her vomit-soiled hands all over my woollen cardigan, placed her on the grassy sidewalk while her twin sisters tumbled out of the car trying to see if they should play nurse. I was hysterical as they both exited on the driver’s side of the car, open target to traffic. Imagine dragging two toddlers back to the car, fuming and covered with the lunch we just had and trying to wrestle with a crying baby, it was not. fun. at. all.

Jeslyn simply refused to get into the car as her child seat was partially covered with food slime. Janesa was saying she felt sick by the smell of the combination of soured milk and digested meat. I just want to get home before they both repeat what Ariel just did.

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